08 September 2024

wrecking days

Out with the old. 
In with the new. 
New look. New feel. 

Little baby kitty 
Makes a house call. 
Then went home to mommy. 
Only 4 weeks old. 

Oldest trick in the book. 
Processed LC junk food. 

Well… it’s warm and has 
Some nutrients in there. 
Healthy choice Bowls. 

Restless AF 

My screwed up 
Diabetic toenails. 
After the pedicure 
(Which she didn’t finish, by the way)
They offered a glass of wine. 
I should have taken it. 

More discovery 
I am having a hard time 
Keep up with the changes. 
I don’t think I process information 
As rapidly and completely 
As other people. 
Sometimes, I’m the last to catch on. 

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