12 September 2022


Still love the color change lights 
You control it with an app. 
New technology is always fascinating 
To a Late Boomer. 
I made that term up. 

They say the Baby Boomers 
are born from 1946 to 1964. 
I think true Baby Boomers
Had a different mindset. 
Dads came home fromWW2
And married Moms. 
Everything was booming 
Mom stayed home. Dad worked. 
They were different times. 

WW2 ended 15 years before 
I was born (1960). 
That’s a long time to wait 
To make babies. Almost a generation gap. 
In fact, the Korean War was also over
And Vietnam War had started. 

My brother and sister are true Boomers. 
They’re 80 now. 

I was a latch-key kid with a 
Single, Divorced Mom who worked 
A low paying job every day. 
Not the same. 

I grew up with Hippies
And people who made peace signs -
Instead of V for Victory. 
And Flower Power. 
And Women’s Lib. 
My baby sitters had boys over,
And I’m sure they dropped acid. 
This group is the exact opposite 
Of what Baby Boomers did,
And opposite of what they stood for. 

By the time I went to college, 
It was too expensive without aid. 

We didn’t get the opportunity to
Work a regular job, buy a house, 
Go on vacations in the station wagon, 
Send the kids to college,
 And retire with benefits,
And a nice gold watch.  
And not have to worry. 

What kids will do now 
I can’t even imagine. 

Did you know that 
Fruit Loops are actually 
all the same flavor?
No raspberry red. 
No lemon yellow. 
No orange orange. 
Just Sugar Buzz. 

Cooler outside. 
Still hot inside. 
I spend 70 hours a week 
In a sweatbox with kids
Who prank more than they work.  

Some say it’s cured. 
Some say it’s remission. 
If it’s gone- it’s gone. 
Stop the glucose insulin cascade
By stopping the massive carb diet. 

My shadow figure. 
I love this stupid cat. 
He still lets me carry him
To the food bowl. 
And every day he gets a nurse visit
And massive stretch on his bum leg. 
I know the feeling, Mijo. 

Yuk. I vant to go home. 
*stomps foot*

1 comment:

  1. I would also like six slices of bacon. I don't always comment, but I do always read, and how did you exercise such restraint as to eat only the middle of the cookies? My problem is that when it comes to unhealthy food/snacks/desserts, I like/love them all. Cheap cookies, (I grew up on cheap cookies, the sandwich ones that were black on one side and white on the other, never REAL Oreos) bakery cookies, pie, pudding, sour gummy bears, licorice, chocolate, all of it. I avoid it, for the most part, bake cookies but don't eat them, ect, except for chocolate, I have that a few times a week. Sorry, blab blab blab, ha. I do believe I was on my way toward Type II, until I changed my ways. I reversed my fatty liver, haven't lost all the weight I want to lose, but I have maintained a 70 pound loss for ten years or so. I look at all the garbage I listed above, I admire it, long for it, but simply don't want to put it in my body...well, I WANT to, but you know what I mean. It's not easy, but not as hard as I once thought it would be, back when I lived on it all. BTW, my parents were lower middle class, I was born in 65, (6th of 7 kids) they had a house, a station wagon, and a camp on Lake Ontario...nowadays, no way! We were poor in many ways, but better off than most people now, I think.


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