Heart pounding all night.
Literally pounding.
New CBD company.
Good product
As far as I can tell
Full moon.
I love full moons around Christmas time.
Fun with filters
Part of the joy of pediatric nursing
Is the seasonal and holiday decor.
I still get a kick out of this stuff
I dedicate todays blog to
My dear friend Donna D.
May peace be upon you.
Peace to all.
That's an awful night, to have the heart pounding like that. It happens to me when I drink alcohol these days, and I am grateful for it in a way, because I had non-alcoholic fatty liver, and any alcohol at all is bad for that...I reversed it with low carb and fasting, now I cannot drink more than one glass of wine, or one weak drink or the heart just races all night, and it's exhausting. So the fear of that keeps me away. I can, however, get away with eating a few Hershey's Kisses, which is bad bad bad....one meal a day, then some chocolate....not a good habit at ALL.