13 October 2024

honeymoon is over

Burned bread
Small fire
Call Nurse Anne

Whipped that mess into the backyard 
Pulled out a fan
Venturi Principle to the rescue 

Not much sleep. 
The Writ of Possession 
Has been delivered. 
Taped to the front door. 

When you don’t answer emails
Or leave a forwarding address 
This is how they get ahold of you. 

Don’t think that if you ignore it-
Your problems will go away. 
It just makes it worse for yourself. 

So I’m convinced the Stocks I picked 
Are part of a new way of doing things. 
AI and tech stocks. 
Nvdia and Palantir. 
VST - Vistra-
And Uranium. 

Hahahah what a good day to get served. 
Texas OU football game this weekend. 

What is with SCHD? 
Are those spikes the dividends? 

Black Frosting? 
Who me? 

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