09 April 2024

foot drop day

Turn around, bright eyes!
I don't know what to do
I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg 
and giving off sparks

I asked this guy (Housemate) 
to please remember to turn off
 the overhead kitchen lights. 
They’re ridiculously expensive to operate
- halogen track lights -
And make a ton of heat. 
He keeps forgetting,
Like he does with everything else. 

I fell for it. Hook line and sinker. 
I got a 10 minute bitch out 
about how stupid the homeowner is,
 and how halogen bulbs
 are unnecessary etc. 

He hates conflict, and becomes enraged 
A fist pounding temper tantrum- 
If you ask him for anything. 
Even to remember to turn off a light. 
He does this on purpose 
So no one will ask him for anything. 
He pre-emptively strikes first-
To scare you into never ever 
Asking him for anything. 

Imagine. A 3 day temper tantrum 
Because someone asked 
him to remember to 
turn the kitchen light off. 
This petty toddler. 

He won’t speak to me for a week. 
Then come back like nothing happened. 
He has no idea that E 
wanted him gone two months ago-
 and I asked her to reconsider. 
Denial is a powerful thing. 
He has no idea. He's obvious. 

Ate some peppermint candy. 
I seemingly have no control over them. 
Let’s examine this. 

I have all control over my 
Hands and mouth. 
And what I buy. 
I don’t have control over
My cravings and obsessing. 
Except to avoid candy altogether. 
“No one can eat just one!”

I love this picture. 
It was over by my Ex BFFs house. 
I think she took one of these. 
The order needs to change. 
Winter needs to swap with fall. 

From a high shoot friend. 
“Oh what a tangled web we weave 
When first we practice to deceive. 
But when we practice again and again, 
It is a perfect web we spin! 
Good ole Michelle WhatsHerNname. 

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