Slept on the recliner.
I woke up during the upper GI
And got choked on the scope.
It tore my throat up a bit.
Lots of steps.
I walked to and from the clinic.
The Nurse said
“Get your happy ass up in this bed!”
That’s the V A for ya!
For Day Surgery they want you to walk.
For regular hospital stay,
They don’t let you walk out.
You must be taken out in a wheelchair.
All bets are off with the V. A!
Not complaining; they saved my life!
Covered with cats.
Baby Fergus never left my side.
Esophagus EGD.
50% improvements.
Duodenum clear.
Stomach clear.
The old EGD in April this year.
Roughly 17 weeks ago.
Grade D esophagitus.
L A grade D means excoriation
On 75% of the surface
Multiple duodenal ulcers.
No mention of Z line injury.
Many bleeding ulcers.
No IBS. No Chron’s.
No polyps. No outpouching.
Perfect and clear.
BBBP Score is 9.
Perfect score for preparation.
I post this for all the people
Who say meat tots in your colon.
Or low carb doesn’t have enough fiber.
Oh yes- and I lost 6 pounds!
Thumbs up indeed, wowza! You aced it with flying colors, and I agree, low carb and lots of meat is the way to go. The kitties are keepers...