27 May 2010

fiddler on the roof

fit girl on the roof

....another weigh, weigh, weigh off BROAD way
 production (No way!)

"matchmaker, matchmaker" tune
fat burner, fat burner
Fat Burner, Fat Burner, burn off my fat
Burn off my hips, burn off my ass
Night after night alone in my mess,
I want you make me less!

"tradition!" tune

How do we keep our balance?
Nutrition! Nutrition!
(Lots of singing here!   What's not to like?)

"if I were a rich man" tune
if I were a thin man....
Yabba dabba dabba yabba dabba dabba dabba do
All day long I'd "Yabba dabba do!"
Yabba dabba yabba dabba doooo!

I wouldn't have to work out.......
(Again with the yabba dabba do?)

Yes, my Yentl, it is me!  So long ago .... or not so long ago....
It depends on who you ask!
A year is not that long! A year and a few months.

Going here and there
Monster with protein
Coffee with cream
Hamburger with no bun
Atkins bar.....
water from the new Soda Stream
Life is good--
peace and love to everyone!
Only one thing would make it better.
Two things, actually.
Must be the true phase of caffeine withdrawals kicking in.


  1. What is the one thing?

  2. Two things? I am curious.

  3. Caffeine withdrawals is one.
    Human withdrawal is another.
    I feel as though I've been immured.
    But this time, I feel myself stop trying.
    I don't want it - it's not my choice...
    It feels involuntary....forced, and very unnatural.
    Thanks for asking.
    Oh, by the way did you like the songs?

  4. I certainly did like the songs. You are extremely creative.

    Immured is my current state as well. I hate the feeling, but don't know what to do to rectify the situation. Such is life...it ebbs, it flows.

    I keep the Seven Laws on the front burner and it helps somewhat.

  5. Immured? Seven laws? What are these things of which you speak? I thought I was smart. Apparently not. :)

    Love your Yentl and your songs, though. Where can I get some fat burner?

  6. I've got my lighter ready...will that work as a fat burner too?

  7. This is the best post yet. You are too too funny. I had to laugh all through and then to see Yentl.
    Are you okay? Hugs.

  8. Anne, can you email me? kthephoenix@hotmail.com

  9. I had to come back and make sure you are okay. Hugs.

  10. Well, I blame capitalism, not the moon.

    That's my story. I'm stickin to it.

  11. "O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon,
    the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb,
    Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.” .....Shakespeare

    "Capitalism" just doesn't have the same ring to it, eh?
    ....or DOES it?....

  12. lol Love it! I haven't seen (or heard the songs from) Fiddler on the Roof since I was a little kid - my dad loved it! :o)

  13. Two words. Das Capital.

    Now, about that moon...everyone I know intimately is in a funk right now. Plus, I gained two pounds, which means I'm still on the same plateau I thought I escaped 2 days ago. Maybe I SHOULD hold the moon responsible. Or whatever made the moon "inconstant" in the first place.


    Be well in peace.

  14. My dear friend, you look a good 10 years younger since you have lost weight....you look wonderful but weight does not change your hear of who you are on the inside....I think you are very special both inside and out.
    Have a wonderful weekend......:-) Hugs

  15. supose to read "heart" not hear.....never claimed to be the best typist, luv ya

  16. ♡ and ❀✿❀
    Hearts and flowers to you!


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