31 October 2015

trick or treatment

There was an office party this week.
Everyone dressed up for Halloween...

I didn't go, because a person in the office said
That I am "too heavy" to dress up as Dr House.

So here's me, as Dr House.
With my cane and my pain meds...
And a 5:00 shadow.


Got in with a group of fun people

I actually got ready to make some chili for the office party
Chili-cookoff... but after this last (set of) insult(s)
I just served it elsewhere.

Halloween Fun Stuff

lol - Knee Socks with a twist

Hope your Halloween was great!
Few things are scarier than messed up relationships 
- No monster is worse

27 October 2015

mazda ranger - not ford - lol

Now that Trucky rolled over 200,000 miles,
She gets her own blog post!

After all, some people think this is a blog about driving!
Carb(erator) and Tripping.

Sante Fe, New Mexico - 
On the trip that started Low Carb for me!

Joshua Tree, California

Near Amarillo, Texas

Palo Duro Canyon, Texas

A Raven in the Grand Canyon
Pecked a hole in my bags...

And ate my Beef Jerky!


And offices...

A few good choices - 

A few not-so-good

Some just were fun - for a LC blog

Hauled Hay for Horses

Tis But a Scratch!

Trucky is a Work Truck -
Not just all fun and Road Trips!
When I build a house (yes, I built a house)
She hauled guys, and lumber and bricks...
And everything else!

Took this trip 3 times

This one more than I can count

My typical driving day takes me anywhere 
in the DFW Metroplex and beyond!

Did this once -
Want to go again!

Even did this one like 3 times

Love Trucky! - 
Who really is a Ford Ranger!
Thanks for your service - Here's to many more years!

26 October 2015


Can you imagine - it is still like 80 here

Cooking for people who are not LC...
Every now and then

Salad With Sherri

Quiche with Sherri

Squash With Sherri

Pretty Good Batch

LOL - scary!

25 October 2015

cozy autumn

Not me, per se

Finally  - 
Truth in advertising!

Got a covered parking slot -
Can't see myself scraping ice 
With my leg being broken

Cream Cheese "Pancake"
One package CC, 4 eggs - 
Sweeter if desired... cook like a pancake!

So much has changed since I first started Low Carb!

And some things never ever change. 
Like Breakfast for Dinner

Traffic - never stops

Cleaning and making a fire...
Lint from the Dryer - save up all year
Is the #1 fire-starter!

Cleaning all the closets

Soup - this is still from the other night -
Cozy - it's about 50 at night,
And in the 60's in the day!