29 August 2024

silence the crazy

Ready to paint. 
I like a nice blue.
Also a nice green, grey, red.

Elaine is home. 
Look at this steak. 

Children’s Medical Center 
Has wagons for the kids to ride in 

28 August 2024

crazy days

Out of the blue 
It rained here. 
But just on my block! 
It was like a dream. 

Which of course, 
It is. 

Kicking donuts to the curb
For 15 years now! 

Actually I have a donut 
Now and then to help with cortisol,
Which it did. 
But at what price. 
We shall see. 
Bloodwork pending. 

My scale broke. 
No worries. 
This one had too many 
of the wrong people’s feet on it. 
Most scales nowadays are 
Impedance Scales
And they’re more accurate than ever. 

Good sleep. 

Actual shot of me 
With no hair gel. 
It’s so hot, my pomade 

So the court case is
 creeping along at a snail’s pace. 
Justice moves slow -
Until it doesn’t. 
But I feel 95% return back to normal. 

25 August 2024

simple thing

Watched “her” the AI movie
And the moment they
Introduced Alan Watts 
I knew she was going to leave him. 

Everything and everyone is impermanent 

Nothing is real here
In that it’s not lasting. 

My role is to put up the TP. 
I’ve accepted this as fact. 

Everyone else has broken arms. 
lol  No? Well you would think they do. 

50 cents. 
Might be handy for something 

Getting ready to see my buddy Pete 

Thriller … lol

Thriller night… lol

Butt shot. Lol. 
I’ve been having a hamburger every day 
To get my iron levels up. 
One day I will talk about 
my current situation. 
But until it goes to court
And Judge Judy bangs her gavel…
I’ll just drop hints and 
Suffer in virtual silence. 

24 August 2024

forced perspective

Finally. Some good sleep. 

I slept 14, 12, and 12 hours. 
Felt good. 
Ate beef every day. 
Need more. 
But he’s gone. 
Amen. He’s gone and he's
 not coming back. 

23 August 2024

un fog

I grew most of these 
Plants from seeds. 

Bought this one, though. 

10 years ago 
Yikes - so long ago. 

Costco. Burnt Ends. 
Trying to eat more Beef 

Like this. 

Did absolutely nothing all day. 

20 August 2024

funny girl - bye

This will be my favorite picture 
For a while. 
Miss Katerina remembered me 
From San Francisco! 
I got an extra hug and
A moment of chit chat. 

I wish for her every good 
and wonderful thing 
The world has to offer. 

The world is a better place with 
People like her in it. 
Much love to her!
And you.