01 September 2024


This is the look I’m going for. 
Dark Acedamia
 Sherlock Holmes’ Study 

With a Pop of color and

Lots of light 

Elaine’s room, too. 
Dark and Cozy. 
New rugs, redoing the hardwood floors 

Many hands make quick work 

Life is slow.
Hurry up and Wait 

A fire in the creek bed. 

Lots of homeless people 
Live in the creeks here. 
Speaking of derelict transients

Nope. Have not heard from the
Former housemate. 
The case will go to court next week. 
The hard part was finding him. 
He’s on the run. 
He never believed it would happen 
And yet- here we are! 

Why not just kick him out 
and avoid eviction?
Good question. 

The answer is we never want him to come back. 
Not even to ever even drive down this street. 
So an eviction leaves a paper trail. 
And shows our intention 
That we will file a restraining order 
If he even tries. 
It’s that serious. 

Eat right. 
Strict is good 

Aging hands. 
No brown spots. 
I’m doing something right!
Amidst all the things I get wrong. 

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