28 August 2024

crazy days

Out of the blue 
It rained here. 
But just on my block! 
It was like a dream. 

Which of course, 
It is. 

Kicking donuts to the curb
For 15 years now! 

Actually I have a donut 
Now and then to help with cortisol,
Which it did. 
But at what price. 
We shall see. 
Bloodwork pending. 

My scale broke. 
No worries. 
This one had too many 
of the wrong people’s feet on it. 
Most scales nowadays are 
Impedance Scales
And they’re more accurate than ever. 

Good sleep. 

Actual shot of me 
With no hair gel. 
It’s so hot, my pomade 

So the court case is
 creeping along at a snail’s pace. 
Justice moves slow -
Until it doesn’t. 
But I feel 95% return back to normal. 

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