30 May 2024

how to be sick

Poor baby can’t poop. 
Daddy didn’t give the meds 
While I was gone. 
Guess who got a cat enema 
And complimentary clean out? 
This dude. That’s who. 

Nurses have a saying:
In a perfect world,
We wouldn’t need nurses! 
So take your meds. 

So many reasons. 
What is pre-marital education? 

The nurse who works 
My days off -  called out. 
She always does this after my vacay. 
We need to know our limits. 

I’m nearly at mine. 
Good sleep though, well-
Not really, but good rest. 

Come on, Apple. 
You can do better. 
People also say Atkins is a fad diet. 

The work kids are in the new house. 
Which is only about 10 to 15 minutes 
Farther away. “ONLY”
Which adds 30 minutes drive every day. 
I’m driving from South Dallas
To South Denton daily. 
Not happy. 
But hey. Balance. 

I slept with a brace on my knee 
The other night.
But it fell down around my ankle. 
And made a crease. 
The dreaded crease! 
Which made a wound. 
Nowthe Wound Care Nurse
Has another wound! 
Always distal to that 
Bum right knee. 
Crease Wounds are rough 
To heel. I better write myself 
A master care plan! 
And increase my protein. 

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