09 April 2013

anal and perineal day

I once thought this said Anal...(Annual)
And Perineal (Perennial)
My Mother got a good laugh out of that one!

Loaded up Trucky with all kinds of Mulch,
And Organic Cow Manure Compost -
Per this weekends gardening class

This will be a good head start

The teacher for the class was a Certified Horticulturist.
And no one hates GMO's more than she (hates GMO's)
She said most seeds were safe - so far.

Ye old bucket

Come in and wash off the dirt
With some Goat's Milk Soap 
Becky gave me - Thanks, Becky!

And ate up the last of the Quiche -
That took no time at all.
Better make moar.

Raised Bed Gothic 


  1. What is your recipe for quiche???

    1. yum yum - link love:

  2. OMG - it is so good.... soooo easy!
    5 or 6 eggs... some sour cream or heavy whipping cream.
    I add about 1 cup of any kind of cheese.
    Then add just about anything you like:
    Spinach....peppers..... onions... bacon....sausage....
    Mushrooms.... olives....
    REALLY - anything!
    Cook at 350 for 30 minutes..
    Add grated parm cheese to the top in the last few minutes...
    It is the easiest Quiche ever - and virtually foolproof!

    If you give it a go, will you let me know how it turned out?

  3. You look cool with the pitchfork. A little scary, but cool. :)

  4. I was wondering what this post was going to be about! You bring the LOLs!

    1. Thanks - and sadly, it is a true story!

  5. Looks like a great Quiche recipe - can't wait to try.

  6. Thanks for the quiche recipe. I love my eggs and quiches are an easy way to include them in my diet!

  7. I am glad it was an enjoyable experience for you. I think that you should definitely do it again sometime and hopefully I will be able to make it to that one.

  8. I love crustless quiche and your recipe just makes it so much more simple than others I've tried. It's really good with some left over baked sweet potato thrown in. Your post makes me want to do more gardening - my potted herbs on the front step are looking a bit neglected!

  9. Quiche looks good! Adding spinach is a must! I'll give this one of yours a go for sure. THanks for sharing!


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