07 September 2011

a cool day

Where's the sweet, green icing?

Have you tried the new tuna flavors?

Candy time is fast approaching. RUN!

Must be Autumn

Someone on the Paleo blogs called this a
"Grok Pot!" 

Moose und Squirrel

Hope your day is strong and wonderful!
Mine is better! Yay!


  1. I have to get to the grocery store and check out the new tuna flavors. I ususally avoid the aisles.

  2. Bwahahaha...someone left the cake out...in the rain...I don't think that I can take it...because it took so long to bake it...and I'll never have that recipe agaaaaaain!

    What a WEIRD song!

  3. seriously RUN. I fell victim of a bag of assorted foiled chocolates I saw in the pantry. The gold ones had caramel in them and the Peanut butter cups had jack o lantern faces. The white chocolate skulls were crunch bar whites. I did not eat it all, but got it out of my system and paid dearly with 8 lbs gained in August.

  4. Whoa-ho! I think I need some orange and black striped socks. And a grock pot! lol ... tuna flavors, hmmm. I'll bet the tuna flavor overwhelms them all.

    That is the saddest Jesus ever. :( He has "crybrows".

  5. Yes indeed he does have "crybrows!"
    Love that word.

  6. Have a great day, Anne. I love my crock pot. I need a new one though. The old one is acting a little strange like the heating element is about to go out.

  7. Do tuna flavors include cookies and cream? Chocolate? Espresso?

    Thx for the heads up on the candy season. Run, bike, swim away!

  8. I need to start using my Grok Pot again. So lazy, I am.

    And no green icing unless it's sugar-free, low-carb. ; )

    Yeah..the candy gauntlet is on its way. Dang, we really need to retraditionalize Halloween. Sigh...

    Happy Thursday, lady!

  9. LOL @ Grok pot!


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