17 May 2011

chicken strips

Chicken in a broth base..... chopped up into strips

Then fried in butter to brown them...
No lid for this pan, so I made one from foil

Good for dipping, eating, on salads, etc!

Made a big ol' salad - with roasted veggies
all in it and around it!

Hope your day is wonderful!


  1. All I gotta say about that is: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~!!

  2. Thanks - this is the NON-purple version!

  3. This looks super tasty. I just fry chicken breast in butter directly without precooking. Do you think that boiling in broth makes it tastier?

  4. I like the par-boil many things before I fry them up in a pan.
    Well.... not bacon....
    But chicken and cauliflower work well....
    I think it cuts down on fry time!
    Just gets a good crust without overcooking!

  5. I use my George Foreman grill to make chicken like that - no parboiling necessary. I'd bet you'd love that machine.

  6. I had one (a couple, actually)
    But my neighbor (bless her heart)
    Keeps scraping all the Teflon off of them.
    Not complaining - she tries to help and
    does my dishes, now and again.
    So - it's back to mostly cast iron for me!

    And yes - I did like the GF grill alot!
    It was the easiest thing in the world!

  7. I bought a George, but its a pain to clean :(
    Food looks yummo

  8. Tasty looking salad, Anne. :D

  9. I love the cuisinart griddler that I got last week. The grill/panini plates come off too definitely a big help!


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