13 July 2010

Größe Maß

Then and Now in the Laundry Room

(May 09/Jan10/July10)

Hip 48.....40.....36 inches
(122 cm ...101 cm....91 cm)
Waist 46.....36.....33
B* 48.....45.....42
Neck 15 1/2.....13 1/2.....12
Left Forearm 11.....9 1/2.....9
Right Thigh 25.....22.....20

Height, weight, age
 5'2"  (62 inches) 
Slouching in at 5'0"
Last weight 138 lbs
 I'll be 50 in November!

25.0 still in the "overweight" group 
by 0.3 of an imaginary formulary!

Waist to Hip Ratio
Healthy range is .7 for women
Since I am a G0P0 (gravida, zero; para zero)
I tell myself it's ok!

Each knot helped hold my pants up!
Time for new pants?

Some people who are several inches taller than me
have better numbers. And are stronger, and more fit.
And eat better. I'm still phased - in phases.
And I'm pretty stocky, yet.

In the Army (my lightest) I wore a size 15 dress.
(In Frankfurt, Germany.)
And weighed then 130 -134.  At age 30.

Started LoCarb in March 2009.
Who knows how much I weighed back in the day!
Maybe more than 225.
(93 kg now to 63 kg)

I take it in leaps and bounds... no pun intended.
Last year, weight-loss the center of my life.
Now it's more like the centerpiece.
To a beautiful "table-scape."
For a healthy feast, shared with good friends -  y'all!

Balance......and perspective...
It's good to keep both!

You still having a great week?
I hope it's all that and more for you!


  1. I don't know what signs you are flashing here, but those are some itty bitty pants. I hope you are feeling as good as you sound these days. You are sporting some awesome numbers in your journey.

  2. Miss Roxie - Thanks!
    The pants are Spandex - size 12.
    And yeah.... I feel pretty good, actually!
    I don't know how, or why.
    This "happy rally" just came to me, unbidden!
    So I'll take it.

  3. Awesome numbers :)

    I hope you are extremely proud of what you have achieved!!

  4. I'm 5'2" also. Looking forward to getting measurements closer to yours. Your blog is the most fun!

  5. Those are some numbers to feel real good about. I like how you knotted your pants draw string as a means to measure progress. I am doing similar with a belt I wear with which I am adding extra holes to as I go. Three added so far, wonder how many I'll add between here and 199?

    Looking good Anne!

  6. Awesome! I love the photo of the pants! I wonder if you know how inspirational your blog is!?

  7. Pic on perspective is way cool.
    Sie sind willkommen.

  8. I wished I had done my measurements now.smile.

  9. I just love the way you see your world. Makes me look differently at mine
    and FYI it makes me smile!

  10. I saved a pair of "big" pants for the comparison shot once I get to where I want to be.


  11. You're doing great, Anne! Congratulations and continued success! :-)

  12. Fan-bloody-tastic, as we say in NZ. Great numbers! Congratulations! I am 5'3" and I still have a long way to go to match your numbers. But I'm getting there. I wish I had saved some fat pants, but I couldn't get rid of them fast enough!

  13. Wowza!! The comparison in pant sizes is quite a wonderful visual. Bravo!!!

  14. Cheers girl. It does feel good doesnt it. Keep it up!

  15. You my dear, are a weight loss superstar!

    Love the teensy pants!

  16. left you an award on my blog!

  17. Yay!
    Thanks Miss Alexia - and your wicked wicked ways!
    I shall do my very best to live up to it!
    Coming soon to a post near you!

  18. Great numbers Anne, I gotta get on this plan...
    and it works so fast as well........:-) Hugs


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