03 June 2010


A guy that knows how to have McFun

No McBun, on the run...

New and Used Queens
New and Used Beauty

A Cock Roach Museum AND a Trashy Goods Store....
And here's me - without my check book!

Solvent on, Solvent off, Grasshopper

At first, I thought this lady was talking about me.
Turns out she was talking to me, about another nurse.
 She called her "Two Ton Tessie" and said (of her) 
"You're blocking my view!"
Do people actually think that way, deep down inside?
This came from the same group of  "little old ladies" who once 
told me that I should pay more tax than they should pay.
Because I was heavier than they are, 
and "used up more oxygen!" 

Going up, going down in the
elevator of life - where it's all
mirrors, and bells and whistles.

Monster w/protein
Atkins Bar x2
Mc Agnus no bun
Coffee, water
Pistachio nuts no salt
And just now, some cashews 
And I'm going to bed early
Hope your day is all you want it to be!


  1. Now you went and did it, made me pee my jeans. Good thing I'm alone at home. I thought I had a warped and weird sense of humor. Glad to know I'm not alone. ;)

  2. Trashy Goods was made for me!

    You are on a McRoll, Anne H. Grasshopper, indeed.

  3. Have I ever told you how much I love your hair? Well, if I didn't...I do!

  4. You always make me smile :)

  5. Roxie - the Trashy Goods store has a sign
    "Real Girl Sizes" in the front window.
    If you double click the picture.

  6. A cockroach museum? Seriously?

  7. Cockroach Museum? I think I need a trip to Dallas to see this one. We should go together! Then go get some trashy goods and look for new and used queens.:D

  8. This was fun to read Anne......I think the move has been great for you......:-) Hugs

  9. I often wonder how people think deep down inside, too. Great post.

  10. I have no problem with very young children making innocent comments about people's appearance, but in my experience, the absolute WORST offenders are elderly women! Even though I'm a Very Large woman, most comments I receive are about my height and not about my bum and thighs! lol But even so, I inwardly cringe if I'm on a bus and a couple of old dears are commenting loudly about the appearance of another passenger... :o(

  11. oh i have some very nasty old women in my life who have lost their filters. my mom is one of them. i hear ya. WHAT is up with that??? we should make a pact never to do that when we get up there.

    great post, Anne... as always. ("Hi" back) :)

  12. I, too, have had a nasty old woman comment on my weight....it was my mother!!! She had lost weight due to illness, and commented that a good dose of heart problems was just what I needed to lose "All your fat". Talk about taking it personally!!

  13. Your photos and captions absolutely cracked me up! You find the greatest signs in your travels.

    As for old people's mean comments-- I'm going to stick up for the majority of them who are lost in dementia and have no idea what they are saying half the time-- cuz they didn't talk like that BEFORE they got old. At least the ones I know who talk inappropriately didn't. Which leads me to say-- I never want to be that old :-(

    Happy weekend,


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