29 July 2024

groovy day

Protein shake and 2 eggs 

Damage control 

This housemate mental case #39
Took a crap in the cat box. 

28 July 2024


Back on track 
With Egg Bites 

My hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. 

They had these buildings 
where they kept the POWs. 

Looked like this. 
The POWs were sooo mad. 
They were not grateful. 
They were not zen. Not full of wisdom. 
No insight. No calm. Not appreciative. 
It was hard to be around. 
Just bitter rage. 
I get that now. 

Horrid sleep. 
Until it’s time to get up. 
Then viola! I overslept. 

Many steps 

My body. lol. 
Old lady flappy flap.  

Planning a way to get away
 from this situation. 
So I have this idea that it shouldn’t bother me 
Because it’s just an old drunk
And not a full on war. 
But it’s still a fresh wound for me. 

27 July 2024

crazy day










23 July 2024

sleeping beauty

Baby was so upset he pissed himself. 
He got a quick little bath 

He got a quick bath and 
A warm day at the spa. 

Then back to the Hair Bnb. 
5 paws up! 

Deluxe accommodations. 
Tip your waitstaff …
In this case, I brought DP 
For the office gals. 

New shower curtain. 
Prime Day was perfectly timed this year. 
Petty ex house husband 
Did a smash and grab 
Around the house. 
Talk everything he wanted. 
Petty. Like an old Grandmother 
Who can find her meds. 

I need to wait for a pedicure. 

Grandy’s burned down a year ago
And they just now demolished it. 
Progress. Not perfection. 

The cool old buildings back east 

Body shot 
Yours truly. 
OK. No more carbs. 
I have been having 70 to 100 grams
Of carbs a day. 
Some starchy. Some sweet. 
The combination works best. 
I ate carbs and LOST 20 pounds. 
Probably because of cortisol (stress)
And how the insulin spike 
KNOCKED OUT the cortisol. 

This is twice I used increased carbs
To help my health. 
One for TRUR Protein Sparing 
When I broke my leg. 
And now. 

More infor to come. 

done with this guy

The stress of work
And home is eating me alive. 
I’m within 5 pounds 
of my high school weight. 
And way below my army weight. 

I’m done with work issues. 
No more begging some child
To open his fingers to put on a glove. 

If he wants to fail, do patients have 
The right to fail? Adults yes. 
Kids probably not but in a way
It’s not enabling if they 
were never going to do 
something in the first place. 

Finally got a day off. 

Welcome to 4 more years of Trump. 
Democrats eat their young. 
And throw their old 
On the side of a cliff
Or under a bus. 

So to summarize. 
After years of hourly fights
 to get this little guy to 
Stop biting. Stop pushing. Stop screaming. 
Stop blocking. Stop resisting. 
I am trying a new approach. 
It’s like waiting for a toddler
 to finish a tantrum. 
Or waiting for a hurricane to blow over. 

Same with House Husband. 
After years of begging him to pay his rent. 
Pay for his food. Pay his utilities
- we all like air conditioning-
All the lies and excuses. 
The defiance. The fuck you Anne 
Up the butt you stupid cunt
You worthless goddamn fat fuck whore
Ugly nasty long tittie old stupid bitch 
(This is how he talks to me 
For the past 7 years!)
I hate you and I hope you die 
I am going to kill you and take your cat  
Want to go to the rifle range?
Do they still make lithium? 
You need it you crazy 
paranoid schizophrenic idiot freak
Mensa Chapter President 
Weak worthless fake nurse 
All the years of him pissing in my food
Shitting in the cat box
Ejaculating on the patio 
(Don’t come outside!)
Prowling around the attic at 3 am
Making noise when I am asleep 

All that- and more- FINALLY -
I packed up my thoughts and 
Found a way to not interact with the crazy. 
Is he mean? Is he stupid? 
Is he crazy? 
Yes to all. 
Good bye and good riddance. 
May you never darken my door again. 


21 July 2024

hazmat day

Wise men say 
It looks like rain today 

Keep finding food and urine,
Stool, and other DNA samples 

Drum Corp season 

Sleep going ok. 

Die- damn Goliath!
Go away forever 

I’m covered with bug bites. 
Mites and bites in the room 
Where the idiot just left. 

Dallas burns. 
First Baptist Church fire. 

All systems are GO! 

I got a free gift this month!
I am definitely going to use it well. 
Thanks, amen!