30 May 2024

how to be sick

Poor baby can’t poop. 
Daddy didn’t give the meds 
While I was gone. 
Guess who got a cat enema 
And complimentary clean out? 
This dude. That’s who. 

Nurses have a saying:
In a perfect world,
We wouldn’t need nurses! 
So take your meds. 

So many reasons. 
What is pre-marital education? 

The nurse who works 
My days off -  called out. 
She always does this after my vacay. 
We need to know our limits. 

I’m nearly at mine. 
Good sleep though, well-
Not really, but good rest. 

Come on, Apple. 
You can do better. 
People also say Atkins is a fad diet. 

The work kids are in the new house. 
Which is only about 10 to 15 minutes 
Farther away. “ONLY”
Which adds 30 minutes drive every day. 
I’m driving from South Dallas
To South Denton daily. 
Not happy. 
But hey. Balance. 

I slept with a brace on my knee 
The other night.
But it fell down around my ankle. 
And made a crease. 
The dreaded crease! 
Which made a wound. 
Nowthe Wound Care Nurse
Has another wound! 
Always distal to that 
Bum right knee. 
Crease Wounds are rough 
To heel. I better write myself 
A master care plan! 
And increase my protein. 

29 May 2024

fun knee girl

The joy of dressing with no power.  

So yes. I think I re-injured my knee. 
This time it’s in the back - hamstrings. 
Since that’s a so much larger muscle,
I hope it heels faster. 

All dressed up with my 
wolf-head cane. 

Without power, WiFi etc
This was actually yesterday. 
I go back and review my blog
From time to time. And 
Check my food intake. 
Which on this day was the 
Soggy insides of a quesadilla 
That I never should have 
Thought would be good. 

Once I’m done with something 
- Or someone - 
It seems I can never go back 
to how it was. 

All dressed up 
And no where to go. 

day one - again

Boxes and boxes and boxes

Out with the old

In with the new 

Went to the store after the move,
And was walking about-
When I felt a breeze “down there”
Which is every nurses nightmare-
To be pants at work lol

My life is officially coming apart 
At the seems. “LOL” 

Didn’t even roll over. 

Moving day. Many steps.

Huge big storms. 
Still people in DFW are without power. 
We always have power, though
At work - due to the Grid
Within A Grid. For medical purposes. 

Now, pants-less, I stand before you,
Working in my pajamas! 
That’s a first. 
No one has ever seen me
 out of uniform. 
Thank goodness I had previously 
Sewn the fly shit! 

27 May 2024

home again

First things first 

Memorial Day weekend 
9 years ago o broke my knee
And I re-injured it in SF. 

Got in late. 
And went to work early. 
The family I take care of is moving. 
And there are boxes everywhere. 


Pete took care of me at the airport. 

Elaine took care of me 
with her awesome hair. 

I took care of this nice lady. 
Her family moved her out to DFW
From California and she’s sad. 
We landed and I said 
“Welcome home to Texas!”

I have that Texas Syndrome,
And always have. 
I love my Texas. 

Back home to all the 
Changes that need to be made. 
I am ready! 

26 May 2024

funny girl

One last Funny Girl 
With Katerina McCimmon 
At the Orpheum in SanFransisco

Absolutely amazing performances 
By the entire team. 

The most beautiful man 
I have ever laid …eyes on! 
Hello Gorgeous! 
Nick Arnstein 

Got some new Doc Martens

The land of the legal gummies 
And here’s me- not partaking. 
Sleep is #1 and it messes with my sleep. 
So…. Bye!

To review- I just spent 2 weeks 
Prancing around SF!
I ate bacon and hamburgers 
And slept late! 

7 times I got to see lightening strike! 
Katerina McCrimmon is the real deal! 
Move over, Chenowith! 

24 May 2024

conservatory of flowers

The SF Conservancy Of Flowers 

Star of the show Mr Bumble 

An Iber driver said (jokingly?)
There are more dogs in SF-
Than children. lol 

My Dear Mother LOVED flowers
And she LOVED San Francisco. 
It’s like she was here with me.