13 March 2024

go away please

Every day we have this fight. 
Please make sure the overhead 
task lights are off. 
“Oh absolutely! I never use them!”
And yet they’re on 16 hours a day
In an empty house. 
And the lies. OMG the lies! 
“Oh yeah I just turned that on!”
Which puts me in a Parent Role. 
And him in a Child Role. 

Little brother said he
 doesn’t want me to be alive. 
Cuz I’m mean. And asked him
What is 3 + 8…? 
And he didn’t know. 

Ramadan Food. 
This is Pistachio Custard 
With Cardamom and Fruit. 
OMG OMG my mouth exploded. 
This is No Added Sugar
Since everyone here is Diabetic. 
OMG is all I can say. 

Guess who didn’t water the 
20 year old Japanese Maple?
Drunkie. That’s who. 
He said last summer that 
He forgot to water. 
(Worst drought- temps 120° F)

Kinda like he forgot to feed the cats
Or scoop up their cat poop. 

No one here took this man 
For better or worse. 
No one adopted him to raise. 
He’s 60. He shouldn’t
 need to be asked to clean up
His own mess, pay his rent, 
Eat his own food, and follow 
through with tasks he volunteered to do. 
Like watering. 

I want peace. 
I started out thinking 
This would work out ok. 
The disruption is temporary. 
People intrinsically want to be better. 
They want to do right! 
I was never more wrong. 

My 15 year Atkins Anniversary!
100 pounds gone. 
Sloth gone. 
Obesity gone. 
Tolerance for bullshit 

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