17 April 2016

early birthday

MMMM..... PUFA bird salad

Corner Bakery is nice because you can sit there 
All day (almost) and no one bugs you

A Birthday celebration - early

Since Sherri's Birthday is on the same day as Shakespeare,
I found some cool related gifts.
You can't see it very well, but those are Shakespeare Socks!

What to you give to a person who has everything?
I found some old vintage post cards from TWU
And Denton. Perfect for a Pioneer Woman.

Oh - and this Montage effect is from an online photo app 
Called Fotor (link)

Happy Birthday, Sherri!


  1. Happy Birthday, Sherri! :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Sherri! ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ’

  3. Happy Birthday to Sherri


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