30 October 2014

my day in pics

My day in pictures.
Yep - that about tells the story!

STILL a better story than I had before!
I decided to keep the job I kinda fell into.
After all, I never really even applied for this position.
They just asked me to help out - during the 4th of July....
And new I stayed on!
We have lost on avg one nurse a week.
I am the only one left!

So it really can only get better from here.


  1. Great pics! Especially love the blue sky and clouds…and of course the burger! Wheeeee!

  2. Congrats to you! You seem to have been quite happy since you started this one so I hope it becomes a good permanent job for you. And your lovely apartment has been good for you too!

  3. Loving those new glasses, too!


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