17 January 2013

gearing up!

When I went camping in the Grand Canyon,
It was sooo cold - like 18 degrees.
I asked this Bushy Trail Guy if it was too cold to stay out.
He said "There is no such thing as bad weather - just bad gear!"

So it's all about the gear - and planning...
So I always keep my lunch gear ready for anything,
And buy these Wide-Mouth Thermoses when they are on sale...
They are great for packing food to take to work.
No excuses.

I spent all day cooking.... Ribs here...
Short ribs have more meat on the top - so they are more tender
Spare ribs have meat on in between - so they need more cooking time

This is chili - I added Garam Masala ...
Kinda like Autumn - with cloves and cinnamon...
Wow - I made a double batch of this - some to freeze!

I made some beef bone broth -
I won't be making a double batch of this anymore...
WAY too much for me to deal with.... 
Almost yuk.

Bacon with a spoon full of almond butter
Had some paprika/onion/garlic spice rub in there

Eggs and ham - with a hint of cheese...
I am not liking the cheese so much anymore.
I always could handle Dairy - and that is good...
But after I got sick - not so much!
We'll see!

Pretty much getting tired of pale, washed-out
Nasty-Ass Salads, too. Is it just me,
Or do things taste super bland these days?
WHY eat your Veggies - when they suck!

I am slowly still getting stronger and better every day!
I think I was pretty sick.
Onward and upward now!
Thanks for everyone who looked in on me!


  1. I think you were pretty sick too and I am so happy that you are BETTER! I want a Thermos! Love you! Kimberley

  2. I agree that salads can be pretty bland in winter especially the tomatoes and cucumbers. We just bought our first Florida strawberries of the season and they were so good. :)

  3. Garam Masala? Wasn't he in that movie with the girl with long hair? I love that movie!

  4. All that cooking and we have you back well and getting stronger by the day.

    Take care and drink your bone broth.


  5. I'm glad you are feeling better Chick. Those thermos flasks look great.

  6. I love your blog! Take care:)

  7. I swear you have the best ribs evah eh :)


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