28 September 2012

5 pounds

Tried this... not a fan... yuk!

This is uncured... like it just the same!

Lunch time

Lamps all over the place... at my place....

Stuff around town

All you need

Mr Miagi would love this place.... 
Come visit us, Daniel-son

King Henry

Books from Half Price Books...
The shipping was 5 times the cost of the books!

The sad truth about what 5 pounds looks like, eh?
Still holding on and doing ok!
ok..... ok... ok....


  1. 5 pounds.... a mild obsession....
    a REAL obsession..... ok?
    Wow.... love ... wow!

  2. We all have our obsessions :)

  3. Have you ever tried Thrift Books (thriftbooks.com)? The price might work out to be around the same but for some unknown reason, the "free shipping" makes it more appealing to me. They have a great selection of books. Check them out. :)

  4. Those books at half price are not a bargin when it costs so much in postage. Shame that.

  5. I know, right?
    The books were only like $1...
    so it wasn't that bad...
    Saved a little time driving to the actual store!


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