03 February 2012

food and hair

Ground Beef.... Green Beans.... 

This is the plate that gets more "likes" than
all my meals - and me - combined!

Here, I put some peppers and onions into a
Mini Food-Processer... Made a pepper mash -
Ground Beef.... Green Beans... yum!

The gelatin is making my hair and nails grow....
It's not a complete protein. But is a good supplement.

Yesterday in CrossFit
My avg HR was 120....
My max HR was 180!
The WOD was "Helen"
400 meter run + 15 squats + 12 ring rows...
I did this twice in 10 minutes!
* "Helen" [the WOD] actually has kettle bell swings...
But we had already done those in class! *

One year ago (pink)  and now (black).
My weight is never seeming to go down.
I still wear a medium.
And it is so loose I might lose my garments!
I just don't feel "small."
But I know that weight is nowhere near
a goal that I should ever want again!
For better or worse.

I went to try on some clothes...
I really don't wear a 48 men's anymore!
Onward and Downward!


  1. Yes - "Onward and Downward!" I like that :)

  2. You do look great. Your skin & hair -- wow.

  3. I do like some greenie beanies! You are lookin' mahvelous dahling.

  4. Have you tried on a "small"???? Those mediums are huge on you. P.S. I "like" you better than any meal any day :)

  5. I found it interesting that you still wear a hugely baggie size medium... and you said you "just don't feel small". So, they might fit? But you aren't yet comfortable in them? I assume you've tried them on, right? Maybe wear them at home til you feel it's "you"?

    Anyway, I agree, you really are looking good, you have a healthy "glow" about you.

  6. Looking good, Anne. Keep it up and don't forget to include us in the journey.

  7. Healthy is good no matter what! :-)

  8. The scale can be the devil!!

  9. Your food always looks great, and so do you!

    You are tiny!!! Really small. Hope you got some clothes that FIT!


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