11 December 2011

salmon roasting on an open fire

Salmon Roasting on a open fire
Jack Daniels sipping in your glass.
Lady GaGa being sung like a crier
Not to mention Mama Cass!

Everybody knows a workout and walk or two
Helps to make the day just right.
Shiny gyms, with your muscles aglow,
Can make the shake and bake take flight!

And so I'm offering you this happy tune
With goals from one to 99...
Maybe your days be fishy and bright!
And may all your weigh-ins be just fine!


  1. My kitten, named KATkins - LOVES Salmon.
    See you soon, Miss Anne....
    IF you've been good, that is!
    Ho Ho Ho!

  2. Could you please sing this in a video? I am not seeing enough of you!

  3. hahaha you nut!

    Loooooovvvveeeee salmon!

  4. oh oh oh... YES, pleeeeeze sing it in a video!

    Shiny gyms, with your muscles aglow... :-D

    I remember last year you did this song; it's fun to see what version you come up with each Christmas.

    A Carb Tripper Chestnut tradition, LOL!

    We. Want. Video... We. Want. Video... We. Want.......

  5. LOL! Can't put my finger on it but...Something is fishy...very very fishy...about this post. Yes, I want video TOO (please).

  6. You are becoming a frisky fish :)


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