09 November 2011

salmon jerky

Take some Salmon.
This is a frozen fillet. Skin on one side.
Marinated overnight in Balsamic Vinegar,
Celtic Sea Salt, onion and garlic powder,
And cayenne pepper. My usual spice rub.

Put it in the food dehydrator...
This took only about 2 hours!
Might be a great alternative to cooking them in oils.
Or baking them. Or breading them.

It turned out great!!
Nice and flaky.
The temp of the dehydrator never got above 160
Which is great for the Omega 3 fatty acids.
They don't like the heat. Changes them.

Maybe add some of my Orange-flavoured Cranberries - 
Also dehydrated... overnight!
Or not!

But yeah - this is awesome!
I intend to make more of this!
Cook alot - they tend to shrink as they dry out.

True confession time. 
I have only had salmon a handful of times in my life.
How I ever lived this long - is anyone's guess.
My diet was so limited.
I never got the Omega 3's except by hit-or-miss.
Mostly miss. Sadly.

Now I am trying to increase them in my diet...
Even focus on them.
So for like the next "so many days"
[like a challenge, but without the implied doubt]
I want to have my full "dose" of Omega 3 
PUFA - PolyUnsaturated Fatty Acids (link)
And then see how I feel. 
Did it make a difference?
Will I be better off for having done it?
Maybe get some blood work done then.
My old labs from a few months ago are here. (link)
I show a pic of myself often. Some might say TOO often.
I don't have a scale. Threw it out. 
So the pics tell the real story of my progress on LoCarb.
Or lack thereof.

So yeah!
That's what is "up" with all the fish.
"FEESH," as some people say.
I am not a Piscitarian.
Some people do well on that.
If they aren't afraid to have the occasional steak!
The Omega 3's are essential in that we can't make them.
They have to be ingested. 
Here's a link if you wish to see how much PUFA's
are in the food you eat every day: (link)

Omega 3's are not meant to be the only fat we eat.
But the body uses all kinds of fats.
Medium Chain Triglycerides.
MUFA's - MonoUnsaturated  Fatty Acids.
 And YES  - even Saturated Fats.
Butter. Eggs. Meat.

Maybe watch out for the man-made fats.
The trans- fats.
Somethings convert well.
Somethings - not so well.

And all this hoopla about fat and carbs and protein and diet -
It's not just for weight-loss.
Just for Health.


  1. Yeah, anymore, I do want to lose weight, but I eat foods that make me feel good and give me energy. Food should not make you tired, it's FUEL!

    I really can't stand salmon, but I love tuna and tilapia and shrimp. Maybe I just haven't had it prepared right. It's like the one food I just can't eat, but you make it look appealing.

    We have been thinking about getting a dehydrator, for making jerky. Do you like yours and where did you get it??

  2. I got the dehydrator at Wally World... $40 range.
    I love it... totally worth it.
    I made an AWESOME salmon salad - just like you would make
    TUNA salad. But with canned salmon. Side by side, you could not
    tell the difference. Except maybe the salmon was BETTER!!

  3. I love salmon but nobody else in the family shares my taste for it. That means I only get it when I'm eating out. This does look good.

  4. I count on pasture butter and grass fed beefs for my O-3's. Not sure i get enough, though.

  5. I love Salmon too but haven't had it in a long while. You have made me aware of where I am lacking in healthy fats so I will keep your info in mind when we do our shopping tonight. Our grocery store isn't nearly as good as yours but I can usually find some of what I need around here.

  6. Your salmon looks so yummy.

  7. Salmon, while despised as a kid, is my absolute favorite...enough that I'd take a good piece of salmon over most any other protein...except maybe for any pork BBQ. Anyway, you've opened my eyes to another option!

  8. You convinced me to have salmon tonight! It was soooo good!

    Pufas, mufas...what next? All this learning...I love it!

  9. We eat salmon a lot here in Washington. It is not only healthy but delicious. Do you have a Trader Joe's where you are? They have a frozen salmon called "mojito salmon" which we use in salmon tacos (using low carb tortillas). Really yummy, quick, and easy.

  10. Umm, you don't cook the salmon, just throw it in the dehydrator? Part of me says "ewww!", but then, I like sashimi.

    Is it perishable after dehydrating? I'm used to most jerkys being "shelf stable" but I don't think the salmon would be.

  11. my friend's family just caught a bunch of salmon in Washington and promised to mail me some jerky, but now I am thankful you got me thinking...hey I can make it!


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