30 August 2011

going through the motions

Got sick a wee little bit at CrossFit -
Now that makes me a "real" athlete!

Winning isn't everything
Wanting to win is!

Box Squats....Ring Rows....
Single Leg Dead Lifts....
OverHead Press.... Hollow'eens...
Which are like hollow holds!
At least that's what I thought the Trainer said.

"Just show up" is really all I did today!
They keep their end... I'll keep mine!
And we all get along swimmingly!

I slept like a fiend today - on and off for 18 hours... +
Then had this:
Spam, eggs and cheese for my meal today

Put the eggs in the blender for like a minute...
Seems like a long time - they get lots of air whipped into them
Then cook it like an omelet!

Then, as the Sun's Chariots made their way across the Summer Sky,
I realized this was the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Hope yours was good too!
Stay Strong!
(That's what she said)


  1. That's what she said...LOL!

    Sorry you were sick...that sucks. Hope you are feeling fine now.

    Love the Spam, eggs, and cheese. Nice!

    Beautiful end of the day for a beautiful lady.

  2. Crossfitting when feeling puny... now THAT'S a warrior!

    Hope you are feeling better now.

  3. You do have some beautiful skies in Texas

  4. My youngest daughter and I make fried rice with Spam. We try to be a little healthier and buy the "lite" Spam. Yeah, kind of an oxymoron. :) Hope you feel better soon.

  5. I've felt really nauseous after working out! Hate that feeling. Hope you feel better soon :)

  6. I love that 'winning' saying.

  7. Don't be sick. :( (I remember the almost puke when I overdid weight training back in 2002. Me, so out of shape, but going gung go. BLURHHHHHHH. So sick and nauseous.)

    I've never had SPAM. Does that make me odd? I remember buying some for a hurricane year's food supply, but it expired after a few hurricane seasons. ;) Never touched it. Hawaiians apparently love the heck outta the stuff. :D

    I wnat that tee. It's a great saying. It's GREAT. I want to steal it right now!!! But I don't look good in that grey. Red or black, mebbe? :) I am rocking my medium sized (men's, I assume) NETRITION tank I got with my order last week. :D Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nite, you working-out fiend you!

  8. YUMMMMM!!!! I LOVE Spam and eggs!! In fact I had Spam for lunch today - minus the eggs...great job on the Crossfit workout...getting sick means you pushed yourself hard - awesome! (although you wouldn't want to do it that much lol)

  9. Oh, yummm... that omelet looks delicious. The sunset photo is soooo beautiful. Glad you had a perfect day, hope today will be another one of those.

  10. you are so so so hardcore!!! I saw that FB update :)

  11. Spam, eggs and butter.. OMG, when are you coming to NY so we can feed you real food...


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