28 August 2011

doctor doc

Time apparently collapsed - today...
About time it did, too.
I was getting pretty tired of
always slipping into the future!

Fingers and Wings

What the fork?

Can you hear me now?

The Auricle speaks

I was seriously tempted to check my own A1C
While we waited!

Good advice - 
"Pediatric - Do Not Destroy"!

Once the Cinnamon rolls leave your system,
the cravings are gone. Must be the anatomy
of a binge.

Back to sane eating!
And the best salads in the world...
If I do say so myself!

Hope your day is Strong 
all over the place!


  1. We went to the ear doc the other day...
    30 minutes of "Can you hear me now?"
    Lots of driving and carrying on.
    Just lots of Doctors in general!
    What's a hungry Nurse to do?

  2. Slipping into the future...classic. Love me some Steve Miller.

    That salad is what I want.right.now! It looks so good!

    What did the Auricle say?

  3. Now I know why time slips by!

  4. Yum, that salad looks GOOD! Have a cool day, Anne!

  5. Having a good day so far. Glad you are too.:)

  6. Time definitely slips away!!

  7. Glad you asked, K -
    The Auricle said "Don't eat junk!"


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