08 July 2011


CrossFit WorkOut Of the Day
...a typical hour at The Box

First we warm up with 100 jumps of the rope.
Then Planks, Superman Holds, Curl-ups,
and Hand Walk-Outs... 
And Bear Crawls.

Some moves are easy - just dynamic (moving) range of motion -
probably more of an active recovery period,
 between the more intense intervals...
Sometimes, we just work on balance - like
standing on one foot. It's easy for the first few seconds...
Not so easy the 3rd time of 30 seconds!

Walking with the resistance band... forward,
backwards, left sided, right sided... 
Burn, Baby, Burn!

Each CrossFit gym has a big board with the days of the
week... and each workout of the day.

Then the timed circuits - 30 seconds long!
And 30 seconds to rest and get into the next position.
Weighted Lunges... Push-Ups (on a bar)
Kettle Bell Dead Lifts... Kettle Bell Bent-Over Rows...
Weighted Sit-Ups.... Mountain Climbers
Then, start over. 2 times. Sometimes 3 times!
And sometimes, the intervals are a minute long.

This is the kind of BootCamp where no one yells.
It's not like Basic Training in the Army.
This is more precision. Less reps - better form.
CrossFit trains athletes. Inner athletes.

And the trainers go around telling everyone 
how good the class is doing! 
My class is small - the oldest one is 70 years old!
She runs circles around me.
The whole group is like a supportive little family!

All the activities are on a scale...
to match the person's ability.
If ya can't do floor push-ups... do them 
from a bar! As in a bar bell bar.

That's a typical day in The CrossFit Box!
Hope your day is great today!


  1. Oh Mercy, Lady!! You're my HERO!!! I can't wait to try that one day!!

  2. I've been slacking lately... You've inspired me to try harder with exercise!

  3. Whew! I'm exhausted just reading this list, yet it sounds very appealing. Good for you doing this.. can I touch you? Does motivation rub off?

  4. One of the mottos at the gym is that they guarantee results...
    All we have to do is show up... and try!
    I always have a good session -
    Even on days I didn't feel up to it 100%

  5. I like the there are no smiling in crossfit photo. Anne you are doing a great job! You are so right that after the 3rd time things aren't as easy.

  6. With Batman as your teacher, you can't go wrong!

  7. Thanks, y'all!
    And Jo - did you check out his abs?

  8. What a cool place ... love it.

  9. You mean "Batman Holds," right? Hehehehehe!

  10. Come visit, sent ya some love

  11. Crossfit sounds tough. I doubt I could do a day's worth. I need to work on that. I'm working on a daily schedule that includes exercise that I hope to start next week. I'm so out of shape though that it will take me a while to get up to par.

  12. You are so hard core!!!

  13. Wow. Doubt I could keep up. Been doing a lot of hiking since the nice weather has come around and PMO started back up.

  14. Oh how i miss the gym. Can't go now...i'm too full of excuses! Soon though (little one will be starting school...home will be empty for a lil' while and I'll have some "me" time). A bit sad over the whole thing (youngest one going to school but a lil' excited too).

  15. Fewer reps..better form. That's my Pilates trainer's mantra. It's all about form. And then getting the muscle close to or at exhaustion. :)

    Looks like you guys have a tough bit of FUN. And you are making yourself a raging FIT NURSING SUPERHEROINE! Whooooo!!!!


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