04 July 2011


Picked up a few things for the pic-a-nic today...
The last one was such a success - we decided to do it again!
Sunday is a good day for a bbq.

Nice and easy like.
Charcoal, meat, plates.
Fill in the details as we go!
No body gets hurt.
Easy fun times!

Roy is the king of the grill 

 Watermelon is a close second

Hebrew National Franks are a hit!

Watermelon is a close second!

Love me some LC goodness!
(And watermelon)

Hope you are having a safe and happy holiday!


  1. Hula hooping to Mission Impossible theme... too funny!
    Looks like you have a great picnic. Watermelon, yum... MyGuy brought a giant one home today. And me... I JUST had looked up all the carbs in different fruits today... eek!!

  2. Fruit - watermelon is very sweet.
    Love the occasional strawberry, too!

  3. Anne, that all looks smashing. The burger has my mouth watering. We are cooking out at the lake this afternoon. I can't wait for that burger with lots of onions and mustard. I will probably do half a bun as well. I'm low carbing but allow myself a little leeway on special occasions now that I am at goal.I will skip the chips though. Happy 4th, dear.

  4. I love your neighbours!!
    Looks like a very tasty bbq

  5. Happy 4th, Anne! You and your neighbors know how to par-tay!

  6. YUM... and HAPPY 4th OF JULY.

  7. You make the most mundane things like grocery shopping fun. Clear to see you enjoy life. Thanks for sharing with us!


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