26 March 2011

mule day at last

May I present "Buckboard" and me
I call him Absolom

Cowgirls and pack mules in the Grand Canyon

Chaps and stuff in the tack room

Miss Thing here couldn't hold still

Note the cute mule tails

It snowed and made ice pellets on us
Very cold and windy day - but beautiful!

One mule kicked my mule but BuckBoard did ok!

The awesome guide Terri

We rode for 3 hours - to the Abyss and back -
So named because it has a 3000 foot vertical drop!

I weighed in at 150 and some change -
That counts boots, 3 coats, 2 pants and all gear!
And lunch, eh?

Now I can mark this off my list forever!
Until next year - I would love to ride a mule
to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.....
Anyone want to come with?
Ya gotta make reservations a year in advance.....
Just sayin'!!!

Wish You Were Here!


  1. I've always wanted to ride a mule to the bottom. I'll go check it out.

  2. What a great experience!

  3. Someone Had To Say It!26 March 2011 at 08:18

    Nice Ass!

  4. Wowsa's what a wonderful day you had!! Love the mules :)

  5. Look at how far you've come in the last two years, Anne!

  6. How great that you reached this goal - your life sure is one adventure after the other...how fun to be you, Anne! :)

  7. I hope you feel sufficiently proud of yourself young lady!


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