28 February 2011

good morning starshine

Good morning starshine
The Earth says hello

You twinkle above us
We twinkle below

Gliddy glop gloopy
nibby nobby nooby
la la la la ....

Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba dabba
le le l lo lo.....

Early morning singing song!
Good morning starshine 
You lead us along

My love as we sing 
Our early morning singing song

Actual unretouched kiss.
Another day in a small town. 

I felt ok today!

Despite some jar breakage and doing without coffee!
All that fasting payed off!
Now I can do without - even when I don't want to.
(Twice this week!)
The bag was such a mess, I had to trash it.
And everything in it, as well. Coffee was everywhere!
But is sure smelled good!
Disappointed smile

From the movie "Hair"
Good Morning Starshine
You Tube Video
For all the Happy Hippies!
Winking smile
You know what - I really wish you were here!
But then again, you know this!
Hope you week is great!


  1. Hey there's Smokey da bear!!!

  2. What a great way to start the day! Thanks for the song(one of my favorites) and the photos. Sorry about the breakage, hope you have a better day. Carla

  3. You, too, with coffee in canning jars!! I thought I was the only dummy who did that!

  4. How annoying to smell the coffee but not be able to have any!!
    You know I do :)
    Have a great day

  5. Oh no! No use crying over spilled coffee.

  6. I think I'll be singing that song all day.

    Love It! Thanks :)

    Gliddy glop gloopy
    nibby nobby nooby
    la la la la ....

    Sabba sibby sabba
    Nooby abba dabba
    le le l lo lo.....

  7. That photo of the sun rays spilling over the top of the cloud...wow. Just wow.

  8. I so love that song, Anne. I'm singing it in my head now.

  9. Amazing how a song with such goofy lyrics can make ya smile!

  10. Boo to breakage and ruination of your bag.

    Yay to Hair...one of my favourites!

  11. Who's That Talent, Scout28 February 2011 at 23:59

    Too cute -
    What an amazing transformation you made!
    Cute, cute, cute!


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