06 January 2011

soup recipe

Atonement Soup

Hamburger meat 
One pound

One small head of cabbage

Beef bullion
Chicken bullion
Hot Sauce

Balsamic vinegar  [1/2 cup]
and red wine [1 cup]
What's that floating in the wine?

I dunno - a flavor enhancer, maybe?

Onion and garlic, spices as you like it
 2 quarts of water

Brown the meat in a skillet

Wash and chop the cabbage
And put it in a pan or crock pot
(sorry - I don't know about pressure cookers)

Add both flavors of bullion and red wine and vinegar
The bullion adds alot of sodium,  so go easy on the salt!

Add onion and garlic or hot sauce, spices, 
cayenne pepper as you like it

Bring to boil...reduce to a simmer/low

Cook it over night.
That seems to be key...
Be safe and cook it all day, or over night.
It tastes even better heated up the next day.

I once knew someone who didn't even eat dishes like this
till the next day.... after they "rested" all night in the fridge....
The soup rested in the fridge - not the person.....

Tip:  The liquids reduce down - add more water...
but I like broth so I make mine "brothy"

A cool site called Calorie count does recipe analysis!
You type in the ingredients and portions
and it give you back the numbers!

Here's what the soup breaks down to:

Everyone's a critic.... don't worry about the "grade..."
They don't know from LoCarb!

It' so simple and so good!
You can adjust anything 
to fit your personal style!

Atonement Soup -
Texas style

Since so many people actually asked for the recipe!

This soup is like the cabbage soup diet, but better
Much better!

True  story:
I made this once and neighbors were knocking
door-to-door to see what smelled soooo good!

I hope you like it -
Let me know, eh?


  1. Soup looks delicious - and that calorie counter site is definitely getting bookmarked!

  2. LOL, I think most anyone who ever had an interest in weight loss in any form or fashion has come across that cabbage soup thing at some point. And everyone tries it once, says "hey it's not bad" and then never eats it again.

    I'm glad you found a better alternative.

  3. this week end on the menu!! :)

  4. I'm trying this as soon as I have done a shop, we are living out of the freezer this month. Trying to change habits and live frugally. Not sure how long it will last but giving it a good go.

    Happy 2011 by dear friend xxx

  5. I want to make it Anne, but where do you get the wine with the cork in it? :-)

  6. OH! OH! My crockpot is full of cooked hamburger, cabbage, and other stuff. Except, I didn't have a recipe, and was "hoping" it would turn out, just faking it.

    Now I can add some stuff from your list. Thank you so much... perfect timing! :-D


  7. I need to make some home made bullion and as soon as I do (possibly this weekend) I am making this. Thanks for the recipe!

  8. Thanks for the recipe, I'll be making this real soon. So simple!

  9. Looks wonderful, Anne but I'm not sure how my boys would go for it. I tried some white chicken chili once and loved it but they wouldn't even try it. Picky men!

  10. Thanks for posting it. I was going to google it today. I need crock pot recipes and can't wait to try it.

  11. mmm smelled good from NV, I'm making this after my parents leave. I need some brothy goodness

  12. Thank you! I have a big old potroast in my crockpot as I type this...but next up, Atonement Soup!
    PS. I liked "They dont know from Locarb!"

  13. Anne, I don't normally enjoy recipe posts because I don't cook, but I really really liked this one. The photographs made it fun! :) Did the neighbors get to eat too?

  14. Gonna try it on Sunday! Thanks!


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