17 December 2010

christmas cleaning

It's me and Santa from a while back!
Oh, yeah, and one Elf. ... Elf-ira, maybe?

Have a couple of days off in a row,
so I'm making good use of my time.
Found these cute decorations!
Stored away.

Even some lights that I put up in the kitchen -
A festive kitchen!

When I get upset I like to redirect....
Cleaning works well...
My apartment should be spotless!

A neighbor said I shouldn't lose any more weight.
Whatever, dude!

Found my passport and all kinds of gift cards....
Starbucks sounds good

Got on Hulu+ ...Watched Law and Order
episodes all day - I was in rerun heaven!
Ran the computer through the tv.... cool!

All the Yankee Candles - smells great in here today!
hmmm.... all warm and cozy
So all in all it was an ok day!
Hope yours is, too!


  1. Kris Kringle aka Santa Claus17 December 2010 at 01:18

    Ho Ho Ho!
    I almost didn't recognize you from 2 years ago!
    Low Carb, eh?
    Might have to try it!

  2. redirecting with cleaning
    is just the ticket
    to recovering
    a measure of self esteem
    life satisfaction
    goes up too
    all it takes
    is that first baby swipe
    with a dust cloth
    or removal
    of stuff in the freezer
    cute ornaments
    neighbor not so cute
    hate it when people
    tell me
    what I should
    or should not do
    whatever, dude
    is exactly the thing to think!

  3. What a difference in that older passport photo! Yay for found giftcards. I've used all mine up... I'm hoping my Santa Brother will send another for Christmas. :-)

  4. Glad you are enjoying a couple days off and being productive. That looks like a lot of gift cards.

  5. Your decorations are beautiful, never thought of putting lights in the kitchen, great idea!

    Love the Santa Claus coffee mug, but I have such a soft spot for all things vintage-y, especially Santas.

  6. I love the Dr. Santa decoration! Glad to see you are really enjoying your time off - even if it does include cleaning.

  7. I clean when I'm angry. My house is a mess right now. :)

    Your apartment looks so homey and I mean that in the nicest way. It looks so peaceful and comfortable. Love the colors and decorations.

    Have a wonderful weekend, friend.

  8. Hi! I found my passport today, too. Wasn't looking for it, it just appeared. Turns out it expired a few months ago. Love those candles. So homey!

  9. Maybe you can go to starbucks in switzerland or prague or argentina now! hehe...love the santa claus coffee mug decoration too. And only YOU know when you're done losing weight right? Im glad you said "Whatever" to the dude of neighbor-ish-ness!

  10. Lovely decorations!
    And what a difference in your passport picture and your pictures now :)
    Go you kiddo, obviously what you do works!

  11. I could use you cleaning here my friend, everything looks spotless.....enjoy your time off......:-)Hugs


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