26 November 2010

holiday pie charts

Seems pretty accurate

Yep  - that's me, alright!

A more detailed look at the "Excuse Factor*y"
Still overweight - in the 25% BMI
 Thanks, FitDay!
Intake chart per week's average
Hey - this is not funny any more!

Just disregard the first few months - they are guesses....
(But good ones, eh?)
My house scale was off by several pounds - (yikes!)
I know this because I finally went to a Doctor!  
(And am making an appointment,
actually, with a NP.)

At any rate - pounds don't matter  "per se"
Yes - I've made great progress - 
But I'm not very healthy yet...
And that is part of the deal! 
Fitness at any size  - and every size!
Is it just me, or does it feel like New Years around here?
Hope your weekend is "shaping up!"
Thanks for reading!


  1. Sadly, my holiday pie chart is pumpkin or apple with vanilla ice cream

  2. was going to say the same thing - my pies shouldn't even be ON those charts! I hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving day!

  3. It does feel like New Years...

    Pecan. That's my whole pie chart :)

  4. Well, then, Happy New Years, Bloggers!
    I guess it IS like New Years....
    A New Day, at least!
    And a nice day to start again, if need be!

  5. no pies here---perhaps a nice crustless quiche!?
    I love the charts and graphs though....I am a wee bit dyslexic though, cuz when I saw the chart with "conc whey" on it, for some reason my eyes read "cognac" and I LOL'd because Im goofy!!

  6. Very very interesting Anne, not New Years, but a new day with no excuses for anything. yeah that will work. thanks. hugs.

  7. I liked the graphics... but what is 99 NO WAY?? The times you didn't eat something you wanted??


  8. Those are no calorie pies, lol

  9. Heh heh. I love the excuse factor.

    Great pies although I was expecting to see a few shots of pumpkin pie!

  10. Yeah, it feels like New Year's Day because so many of us are starting over and making "resolutions" for the Holidays ahead! I only had a little pie, this year, and I didn't really even enjoy it. Not so much from guilt, but it just didn't taste as good as I thought it would. I was really looking forward to it, too! Maybe my tastes are just changing. That is all. Funny post, Carbie!


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