02 November 2010

back of beyond

looking back

taken aback

talking back

back of beyond


 then one day

back from nowhere

back to something

 kicking back

 back to basics


Thanks, Loretta, for inviting me to play along
on Toon Tuesday!


  1. You never cease to amaze me- This is terrific. I love how you tell your story.

    I'm off to Ohio to see family til next with. I'll catch up with you when I get back. Have a great week. xo jj

  2. Oh, I'm glad you did it!
    And my favorite was actually the very dramatic and emotionally powerful one of the hands, fingernails scraping, purple background... it screams with the kinds of emotions we can all identify with!


    PS: you have inspired me to make time to install my Bamboo tablet, and learn to use it!

  3. Really cool story Anne, I just love coming to your blog to see you tell a story. Makes me want to sit quietly in a circle of children at your feet and have you tell me one in person *smile*.

  4. Way cool, dudette. Great way to explain feelings without having to say them. And you have accomplished much and come through tough times. Here is your gold star. Hang it high.

  5. Awesome drawings, love the simplicity but power of the story.

    Also why "then one day" did you make your friend eat Willy Wonka's dinner gum and turn her into a blueberry?

    My favorite was the talking back one. Sometimes I don't realize how negative I'm being when I'm not happy with myself.

  6. That's my attempt at showing Little Miss Heroine
    (aka Pinky)
    Throwing out her "inner Oompa Loompa!"

    ps.... these are cell-phone doodles....
    and I'm not a real artist.... just play-tending......

  7. Anne, thank you for finding me. I just spent the past little bit reading about you and about trucky and more. Love it. Really do.
    I'm going to follow you, let you make me laugh and enjoy reading your blog and learning from you.
    I hope that you have a blessed afternoon.

  8. Here's one -
    "Take it back!"
    Where does it "go?"
    It just goes, thankfully!

  9. You've missed your calling!! You really rock

  10. I quite enjoyed your artistic talent. I liked the cliff / and then the lifeline. Great stuff, Anne.

  11. Lifeline?
    No -
    I was hanging myself...
    Someone (or something) caught me!

  12. I thought you were bungee jumping ;)

    These are really cool. And very artsy.

  13. Pretty amazing talent there!

  14. Count down ....10 more days :)

  15. OMG -Annie!
    I am so freaking messed up right now,
    I almost asked "10 days till what?~!"
    Thanks for the reminder!
    10 days till I get to see Wicked.
    And 10 days till my 50th birthday!

  16. a keeper, this one
    bookmarked for frequent returns
    could be published as a book

    50 around the corner
    a good decade ahead
    back from nowhere
    back to basics
    draw, paint, write

    it's all good


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