26 October 2010


Couldn't use the camera so I did these on my phone

Seems like it's all uphill somedays

Just wanna eat cake? 
Sheesh - it's for a birthday, for crying out loud!

And pizza and candy canes. Hey! They are sugar free!

I know all about protein, shakes, and water...

Moving a little more- even at the desk at work

Nurses get alot of exercise just driving around already - right?

Still, the Holidays are coming, and I want to be more ready!

Worked hard all Summer in the heat

Worked hard all Winter in the snow

Not too shabby

A little less flabby

Do you think that mabby - er, uh - maybe

It's a gift we give ourselves every day

It's good for your insides

Good for sleeping and being awake

People of all ages and sizes and conditions - mostly

Even me? Yes, even You

Me too? Yep! om om om 

If it's one pound or one hundred, it all comes off one at a time!

Thank you very much -
Hope your week is wonderful!


  1. OM OM I love this post , You are always such fun. and your right one pound at a time. have a great week. hugs.

  2. LOL... this is the coolest post I've seen in a long time. Amusing and true!
    Thanks, you too :)

  3. Adorable! You should do a line of greeting cards starring you!

  4. Geez, you are an artist as well?! It'd be easier to list what you CAN'T do. LOL

    I think you should take the Anne of the blue work photo and make that today's avatar ... signature pink clothes and blonde doo ... arms raised in exercise (or is it celebration??!!) lol

    Put a camera around her neck, and you have the perfect representation.

    This post was lots of fun. Just missed the belly dancing ...

  5. Good idea - and thanks!

  6. Great post!! Love all the self portraits!

  7. You are the doodle queen. This is a great post.

  8. That is awesome!! I too am thinking about the holidays and what I need to do to be in the best mental shape to make it through with a down instead of an up!!

  9. This is really cute - you have great talent! Plus I love the story you told...pink nurse for the win! :)

  10. jealous over here. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler. Is there anything you can't do? You are amazing. Great drawings and so true too. smile.

  11. Your absolutely adorbs :)
    Plus you can draw!!

  12. I love the one of you on the bike--great hair LOL! Too cute....hope your week is wonderful too!

  13. How fun! I gotta get a phone like you. That app would keep me busy for hours. Love how you did your hair :-)

    Speaking of birthdays.... Yours is 11/12, right???

    xo jj

  14. :) o happy day! :)


  15. I want to buy a box of crayons and color with you :)

  16. What a fun post, well done.....:-) Hugs

  17. Wowzer, Anne! You are a woman of many talents. Is that b-day cake for Hillary Clinton? It's her birthday today. Looks like it's chocolate. :)

  18. So cute! I'm with Roxie...these would make great greeting cards.

  19. Wow! You're a doodling wizard!

    Very cool, Anne!

    Hope today doesn't feel all uphill.

  20. what fun ! i am so impressed ! big hugs from winnie

  21. I totally LOVED this post! It was soo much fun. You must, gotta, hafta do that again. Make it a regular feature. I had the biggest goofy grin the whole time I was reading it... still do!


  22. This is HANDS DOWN one of my fave visual posts of all time. How cool are those images!! Beyond cool! I may steal some. :) Yes, I will shamelessly save to hard drive.

    I vote with the others. DO IT AGAIN!

  23. You know, I just had to come back again, cuz I agree with Princess Dieter... this has to me my most FAVORITE post!! Beyond cool describes it perfectly!

    You are hereby inducted into the Toon Tuesday Hall of Fame! :-D


  24. You're on, Miss Loretta!
    Or should I say "I'll try!"
    I'm not really a visual artist!
    See ya Tuesday in the mix!

  25. Woweee zoweeee!
    you're not a visual artist??????
    well then
    what kind of artist are you?
    for certainly you ARE
    an artist
    big time

  26. Funny - still after all these years,
    I still think of myself as a musician.
    Even though I never, ever play.

  27. That bed looks a bit hard, can you make it fluffier?

  28. Looking forward to your "Toon Tuesdays" Anne!!!! Your other blogs too!!!!

  29. "I" don't have any other blogs.
    None that I claim to own, that is....


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