25 August 2010

things take time


Things take time, Dear Ones

March 09 to Sept 09 = 6 months/ 
starting, and 30+ pounds off

March 09 to Sept 09 = 30+ pounds off in 6 months.
How proud I was!
Dec 09 to Feb 10 = 10 months total/ 
45 - 50+ pounds off total from the start

Dec 09 to Feb 10 = 10 months total / 
45 - 50+ pounds off total
It was about one pound a week, average.
Not much more. Lots of plateaus.
"Weight" for it!

June 10 = 15 months total / 75 - 80+ pounds off 
...and counting!
I think of myself as a beginner, just starting out.
Nowhere near finished yet.
The "moral" of the story is this:
Things take time. All the time.
Cells adjust.... Minds adjust... We adjust.... 
Shapes shift. Forms adapt. Purpose clarifies.
The change you want and crave and long for and dream about
Will happen..... in time. Only in time.
And all the time there ever is, or was, or ever will be - is right now!
So please be patient!
If you are struggling, know that it only gets better.
And in the "end," it's all good!


  1. From this hopeful posting I'm guessing you are feeling better this morning.
    Always positive. I love you for that.

    Have a Blessed Day,

  2. Thanks for this! The months will always (if you're lucky!) pass and it's down to us to make the most of them. :o)

  3. All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope

    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it

  4. Beautifully illustrated journey, Anne.

  5. love it! Didn't come on over night and don't expect it to come off over night.

  6. "The weighting is the hardest part."
    By Tom Fatty and the Butt Busters!

  7. Great post, Anne. I needed it today. :)

  8. Wonderful post! You inspire me to stay the course

  9. You are right. Things do take time.

  10. Wowwza - 80+ pounds in 15 months is an awesome accomplishment! Slow & steady indeed, I like it!!

  11. Oh, yes. Middles are tough. I learned from patience during the weight loss to have patience now. Setbacks are not failures they are learning opportunities to come back and fight better tomorrow.

    People claim to be the same person, but I don't think that's true. Fundamentally, perhaps the same. But the confidence and self esteem and the ability to take a deep breath and be brave are big changes. Going from wishing to doing changed me. Happiness was a great change and worth all the work and dues paying.

    I pay more dues ... but happily. I learned that if I keep at it, my reward will come.

  12. Great journey and perfect message for today. I saw my new pulmonologist (annual sleep apnea checkup) for the first time and told him about my weight loss...he said "do it slow, do it slow=even if it's just 10-12 lbs a year..have your treats along the way. It's the only way to keep it off for good". not the 1st time I've heard this but reassuring and then your post nailed it!

  13. Slow and steady wins the race!!!

  14. I soooooooo needed to hear this today! God love ya!

  15. As soon as I saw the title of your post, I clicked on it - it was all I was hoping for & needing! Thank you.

    Your message was inspired.

  16. Wonderful message, Anne! I'm in the "middle" of my journey, so this kind of post, complete with PHOTOS even, is so encouraging to me. Thank you.


  17. Thank you Anne! I received your e-mail. Nice to know someone is thinking about me. Yes, the weighting is the hardest part....but the reward, oh, so sweet. If all good things were so easy - who would want them?

    You look marvelous darling. xox

  18. loved the post. So true, so so true

  19. Only in time
    big sigh
    yes, you're right

    Cells ajust
    minds adjust
    spirit adjusts

    walk, don't run
    we'll get there

  20. Oh my. This post came just at the right time for me. I'm trying to be patient! What a wonderful series of photos, a transformation! You have done so well, you give me new hope and inspire me to think that I just might be able to do it too.


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