10 August 2010

happy tuesday

Two wishes left...

Express Yourself

They have churches the size of shopping malls here!

KAT (aka Kyle) is thrilled about having fruit for lunch!

2 HOT 4 U

The Monster Shirt was Memorial Day. (May 31)
The Bambi Legs is yesterday. (Next time, I'll smile!)
Onward and downward!
The Belly Dancing class was hard but I stuck it out!
My jingles stuck out, that is!
Today I was hungry and a little sore.
A good day for a massage.
I'll have to try that next!
Thanks for all your kind words yesterday!
Our blogging group is wonderful,
And I'm glad to be part of it.
Avocado w/salad
Protein w sf ginger ail 
Or was that "ale"?
With lime. Yummy
I hope your day is wonderful and so happy
that you can't contain it all!
(That's when ya gotta spread it around!)


  1. Yeah Bambi legs. You are an inspiration to me. Sending tons of rainbows your way xox.

  2. You are looking so thin!!!

  3. WHOO HOOOO, Awesome Anne. you are looking fabulous, take care,

  4. so your jingle jangle's are sore?? yuck yuck....

  5. Aye that is it - a wee little bit!

  6. It's Wednesday here but I'll take your happy Tuesday and offer you a happy Wednesday in return.:) You're looking great, girl!

  7. You look hot - smiling or not!

  8. thinner and younger - that's how you're looking!

  9. Definite change Anne. You need to be proud of what you've accomplished :)

  10. Kyle needs to work on his "thrilled" face.

  11. I think he wanted cookies...
    I dunno...
    I just work there!

  12. You are looking good Anne! I love all the things you spot when you are out and about and that your actually manage to get pictures!

    I'm taking a blog break til Sept. 1st to rest up and catch up. All's well, I'm just tired and the weather is FINALLY getting warm up so I'm going to stop and smell the roses so to speak. I'll check in as often as I can.

    Keep up the great job and keep having FUN! xo jj

  13. Love this:

    I hope your day is wonderful and so happy
    that you can't contain it all!
    (That's when ya gotta spread it around!)


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