09 August 2010

get outta town

Gotta get outta here for a little trip!
One part adventure - one part escape!
So much to do - so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets -
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow
Hey there, you're a Rock Star...
oops - wrong words!

Dallas - San Antonio - Houston
is always good. Austin. 
All points in between.
We need a Tejas Blogger Meet-Up!
At least for coffee!

My Nurse friend from back in the day
invited me to meet her in St Louis!
In the good old summer time.

Maybe *both* as time goes by.
Don't invite me, if you don't mean it.
Chances are I will go!
I love, love, love to travel.
And it's easier to tote the load now that I've lost
As much as 10 gallons of fat!
Soon - soon it will be time.
Right now, there's work to be done!
This just in:
Monster Drink has a new flavor- Absolutely Zero Sugar/Carb
Of course, I tried it. Two sweaty thumbs way up.
Goes well with the 105 degrees in the shade temp today!
8500 steps just at work! 

Now this one, I did not try - HED "feel it".
And this green lighter is a Texas-sized "flick your bic!"

And then of course, there's this.
Dear Annie steered me to a great site 
where quality YouTube videos are always on tap.
Just sharing the love here!

Hope your wonderful day is all you had dreamed it would be!
(Belly Dancing tonight - pics to follow!)


  1. I heard about this hilarious cat!

    You know if you are ever around these parts we need to go out for hamburgers and salads...my treat.

    I can't wait for the belly dancing pics!

  2. Hysterically funny cat!! All I could think of was their water bill!


  3. I cannot wait for the pics!!! Have a blast. Maybe that's what I need to take up to get rid of the last bit of tummy fat!

  4. Safe travels, Anne!

    Have a fantastic time!

  5. Even travel to Australia??

  6. If i'm ever down your way you know we're going to hang out :)

  7. Next time you head west, we should meet up somewhere. We're going on a road trip soon. Can't wait!

  8. Go in the middle of that triangle and you'll find me! I'm all for a Texas blogger meet up.

  9. Drive safe can't wait to see your photos of the road trip. Have fun. smile.

  10. so when are you coming to California? March? we have to hook up!! The Getty, Food tours, Disneyland ... lots of fun things to do :P

  11. I would so meet you in St. Louie Louie...we may not be back there until November at this rate...let me know if/when you will be there.

  12. Hey I heard the President was in your neck of the woods yesterday. Did you run into him along the triangulated roadway? I could just see you snapping a shot of the Presidential motorcade with the window rolled down and Obama waving to you. It would only happen for you! Didn't happen this time...he'll be back. Oh wait that's Arnold :)


I would love to hear from you!