18 July 2010

blue and gray skies

Sometimes, it rains here while the sun is shining.
That's a muggy whipping right there!
Sometimes, I cool off, and take a walk in the store - cool a/c!
The stores are super-sized here - 2 or 3 times around is a mile!
It's especially convient to walk on lunch break, at work.
I'm a little OCD so I fold a paper in the basket... hmm.
Ya never know what yukky gunk is in those baskets, eh?
Bodacious - also sells Flax!
Milk and Honey!
"Y'all" or "ya'll" ?
The jury is still out, but till then, either is ok.
Ah the folly of youth. Going to Taco Bell. 
What is a Pet Wash?
Dirty Dog!
"Please, sir. I want some more!"

I was the lead in the high school musical production of "Oliver!"
 I played the part of little Oliver Twist.
Been seeking my fortune, and looking for love ever since.
Monster / whey protein
2 eggs w/cheese.
Eggs are soooo easy and fast to cook. 
I can't come up with one single (good) reason why I can't have these every day.

SpunkySuzi sets goals once a week.
Maybe I should set a goal. Like, to set more goals!
And get some things done up in here!
It's "funny" - I feel like I've missed a few months.
Like it should just now be March or April.
Where does the time go?

The sleep must be starting to come off of me.
I haven't wished to do myself in (so to speak) for weeks now.
That's probably a good thing.

Hope you are having a great week end.
Getting a good balance between rest, and invigoration.
Come back well-rested and invigorated!


  1. Is Daisy Bell your bike? Great bike pictures I couldn't quite figure out what was truth and what was fiction in the first one.

    I'm very glad to read that you are feeling better - that you've achieved a bit of peace. Let's hope for a long, long, long peaceful stretch.

  2. The picture is of me outside a window at a bike shop -
    Looking in..... I think it turned out ok!

    And yeah, Daisy Bell would be a great name for my bike...
    Who, sadly, has no name.... until this very moment in time!

    The feeling better feelings - they came to me unbidden,
    as it were. Caught me off guard. Happy is good!

  3. Joy Joy Joy

    Happy Happy Happy

  4. Texas tourism board is on the lookout for the short haired lady that is trying to showcase Texas for future visitors. They aint happy ....
    Pix are great

  5. Fun photo essay... especially modeling the hats. :-D
    I'm glad you were ambushed by Happy.

  6. I need a doggie car wash.smile.

  7. Great story told with pictures, love it. Hope you are enjoy this wonderful day....:-) Hugs


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