16 April 2010

spring showers

You can "Prosper" in Texas
Your "Fate" in Texas
Who names these towns anyway?
Back to work, driving to and fro
*not a fake smile*
goofy, perhaps....
Same thing every day
Got fancy with some Parmesan /Reggiano cheese
Is it just me, or it is the same thing around here every day!

There's a storm coming....a big one....
No headache, but I just "feel" this one
Just want to be ready for it...

Monster w/protein
Coffee sf hot choc
Water, salad, hamburger patty
Need more water; it's warmer outside

Bought a P90X today
Now that I am better fit
Getting 6,000 to 8,000 steps a day
Plus workout. Still unpacking.
"Settling in" describes it better.


  1. Turns out the storm blew on by.
    All that worrying for nada.
    At least now, I'm ready for anything!

  2. lol... I get 'fancy' with some parmesan too! It certainly adds a little something to the same old stuff!

  3. That was not a goofy smile...so pretty! I hope you have a great dat lady.

  4. I forgot to take my dinner to work last night so the hubs brought it too me. It was pasta and the only thing he forgot was the little container of parmesan cheese, just not the same :(

  5. I like your goofy smile, is cute. Are you getting tired of eating pretty much the same thing often?

  6. I haven't gotten tired of it yet!
    I have a high tolerance for repeats, though!
    And I'm smiling all day!!
    Looks like it's here to stay.
    'Bout time!

  7. Oh, it's a pedometer ... thwack.

    It was supposed to storm all day here ... hmmm, it's a blue sky. Nice to see spring back.

    We have weird town names here, too. I live in Bend. We have an Alfalfa neighbor.

  8. Prosper and Fate, Texas are better than Intercourse, PA any day! lol (or not! lol)

    Congrats on the P90X!

  9. Hey I love that smile of yours, I was thinking about the day to day thing, have you reached your goal because you are looking good...love all the photos you take all about. take care have a great weekend.

  10. Thanks, Cinner!
    No, I haven't reached my goal.
    I'm thinking the end of summer..
    I can't go by weight alone from here on
    Because I am starting a serious exercise regime.
    I have a very slow pulse, and very low bp....
    and I crave now to get in better shape!
    I guess you could say that I finally have a reason to change.

  11. I love burgers!

  12. A reason to change....that is, if I don't die in the process!

  13. This is why you should never blog -or comment- when drinking!
    It is never as good of an idea as it seems like at the time!
    Well, at least my smile was for real.
    Call me - or email - if you ever want to chat....
    It's never too late, ya know!

  14. Still no?
    Come on.
    You know you want to!


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