22 January 2010

martha my deah

The "new" apartment won't be ready for a month.
They have to get the chalk outline off from the floor 
before anyone can move in, I guess.
So the weight bench AND the treadmill 
are right in the living room. Still.

Pistachio nuts in little packages.
Helps limit the amount.

Monster LoBall Coffee Flavored Energy Drink
Everything just tastes better served on plaid!
a wonderful Beatles video
found on YouTube
Hold your head up, you silly girl

Look what you've done!
When you find yourself in the THICK of it, 
Help yourself to a bit of what is all around you!
Take a good look around you...
...Martha my love - don't forget me!
Martha my deah... 


  1. I love those pistachios. Cool that they come in small pkgs. I hate counting out nuts.
    You serious about the chalk line?
    I used to have the white album in white vinyl then ex #1 sold it for drugs... b$strd :)

  2. Chalk line - everything but!
    Let's just say the apartment is worse of a mess than they first thought.
    It can't be ready soon enough for me!

  3. I wish I could chew a pistachio!..lol
    Thanks for the blog comments Anne.
    Good to know I am not forgotten.. ;)

  4. oh cool. a murder scene apartment! i lived in one for a couple of years. poor "jack" only bothered me the first night i moved in. later i was told about his demise. *gulp* the landlord was angry that the story was told relayed to me, as no one had been able to live there before. we got along just fine i guess :)


  5. There was no murder per se
    but the last person lived there for like 30 years.
    They kept the windows open alot - dust everywhere!
    Just your regular old every day quote-mess-unquote.
    And the landlord is in no hurry to get it made-ready.

  6. Your blog is an ongoing source of pleasure to me. It's one of the first things I go to in the morning as I drink my coffee (or tea.) I love the photos and the music too. It's all so exotic to me perched on my isolated hillside farm!

  7. Lovely. The Beatles and low carb. You and I will get along just fine.



  8. Oooo! I have not seen the little packages. Lately I buy a package of unsalted, shelled pistaccios and another of roasted pine nuts. I mix them together. Mmmm.

    Sgt. Peppers was one of my st albums. Yeah, lp, baby.

  9. I'm jealous of your glasses

  10. So this could be good for you-- The former tenant lived there for 30 years means the place will be spic-and-span and totally cleaned up for YOU! Sorry you have to wait though.

    Have a great weekend Anne.


  11. Joanna Jenkins - the waiting is the hardest part, right?
    I love our little group - people really do care - thanks!

  12. Hey there Anne, chalk line, had me worried! I am sure you just want to get everything setup...I guess this will give you more time to drive around and make some more fun videos....afterall it is all about us right...kidding...I hope they get it cleaned and ready for you soon. Take care Anne, don't get lost among the boxes. Big hug, have a great weekend.

  13. Try Rock Star. Come to the dark side. >:-)

    Love the plaid. I'm a big fan of the plaid. My water bottle is plaid....with skulls. Great combo. It says I'm chic but scary at the same time.

  14. I tried that motif once at work - didn't go over well...
    Some things just don't mix well - like goth and nursing/hospice!
    But I DO love me some plaid!
    And who knows about the Monster vs Rockstar-
    I feel like stepping into the dark side every now and again!

  15. Judith - I am so glad you like my blog!
    My boss said I could use a "creative outlet."
    It's a labour of love, for sure.


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