28 January 2010

a loverly sunset

This last one was tweaked a little in iPhoto.
...but not much...the sky was orange~pink...
All pics in this group were taken on my (not-so) "crappy" cell phone camera!

I liked this Jane chick since I first saw her on Due South
oh, so many years ago!

moonlight and magnolias


  1. Love me some Gone With The Wind.
    The original cryin' film.

  2. Nice writing ("I've been kissed badly enough; I need to be kissed goodly!"). Haven't seen that one, Anne. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow great pictures for a camera phone!

  4. Thanks, Frau-
    Mine is a Samsung touch*screen with 1600x1200 capacity.
    And a cool mosaic feature as well.
    Turned out to be a good phone after all!

  5. Great pics and phone! I just got a touch screen for the gps service. Now if I could just remember to lock the screen off so I don't phone up clients and leave long messages of me taking out the garbage I'll be in good shape!

  6. I know, right!
    I've done that a time or two.
    Sorry - My Butt called you -

  7. Hey Anne, Hope your day is going good. Love the pics. I need to check out your phone!


  8. It's a great phone that has served me well.
    It's going to snow here tonight!
    Can't decide what to do.
    Go out, or go back to sleep?


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