14 January 2010

driving around dallas

This "high-voltage" playground is brought to you by
The Electric Company...

A sunny day in Dallas
...if only for a while...

A painted wall on Forest Lane

Lunch on the run? A Drive Thru?

Monster Drink w/ protein
Monster Energy Drink, that is...

ground beef
coffee & water
separate, not mixed

~8,000 steps at work

The Guild
"Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?"
<<...uber leet video!..
code soup, as they say...>>


  1. Gotta watch the << Code Soup!

  2. Great pics! Really liked the drive thru.

    have a great day. thanks for the email.

  3. You really see some interesting things!! 8,00 steps at work? Awesome

  4. The drive thru was wonderful. I could use that contraption for our tailgates. I'll bet it would be a real hit. :)

  5. 8,000 Spunky Suzi. Eight thousand!
    I'm just sayin'.....
    My wonderful "driving job" ended today - again--
    THIS time it ended the right way, for the right reasons, etc. etc.
    Nothing like an abrupt ending to mess up the day.
    Nothing like closure to set it right!
    Now, I can always go back to driving...keeping options open is one of my new "strategies" for a better life.


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