04 August 2024

disheveled day

Please tell me I’m dreaming 

Nice dreams, at least 

More dreams 

AI drew this for me 

Sleep great. 
Waking up with cats 

Found some money? 

Hahaha earmarked for plants. 

Keep finding little “love gifts” 
The human anus  (former housemate) 
Left behind. This electric cord was 
In the water shut off valve. 
I hate waste. And I hate him. 

Not struggling with weight. 
I’m struggling with hate. 
And that will eat you up alive. 
So the next few days 
I will be working to rid myself 
And get out from under this 
Massive burden of hate. 
I’m so angry- I could 
Put the hurt on someone. 
I guess that’s a natural response 
To change and loss. 
I’m not depressed 
I’m not bargaining 
I’m not in denial. 
I want to punish this asshole 
But I can’t - so I have to trust 
The Universe and god
From whom I have recently
 become estranged. 
That’s the relationship that needs healing. 

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