08 June 2024

what day is it

After 3 years of preparation 
I missed a signal
By Roaring Kitty 
And missed all the upside profit. 

Because I am preoccupied. 
The housing situation is 
Out of control. 
And is driving me nuts.
I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. 
I need to develop a better way 
Of coping. But right now I’m in free fall. 

People snooping around my 
door at all hours
Going in my room- for what!!??

Met with Pete. 
But with a twist. 
I went to the wrong place. 

Like being stuck on the 
side of the road crying. 
Feels like a slow motion catastrophe. 

Back at SaltGrass 
For lunch. 

Costco for car food and people food 

I switched to Celsius 
To cut back on caffeine. 
Little did I know 
It has more caffeine than Monster! 
200 per 12 ounce  vs
150 for 20 ounces. 

Monthly Weekly 
Body shot 
I’m good with weight. And food. 
Going up on carbs is the quickest 
Way to cut back on Cortisol. 

It’s a short term strategy. 
The insulin spike for 30 carbs 
(I am at 70 a day by now) 
Is said to block cortisol. 
Also the liver is already stressed 
And can’t easily convert 
Protein to glucose. 

It’s like when I broke my leg,
And I went up to 70 carbs 
For TRUE protein sparing. 
In that is literally spares protein 
By adding carbs for fuel. 
Not the popular MPSF. 
“Not medical advice” 

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