29 May 2024

day one - again

Boxes and boxes and boxes

Out with the old

In with the new 

Went to the store after the move,
And was walking about-
When I felt a breeze “down there”
Which is every nurses nightmare-
To be pants at work lol

My life is officially coming apart 
At the seems. “LOL” 

Didn’t even roll over. 

Moving day. Many steps.

Huge big storms. 
Still people in DFW are without power. 
We always have power, though
At work - due to the Grid
Within A Grid. For medical purposes. 

Now, pants-less, I stand before you,
Working in my pajamas! 
That’s a first. 
No one has ever seen me
 out of uniform. 
Thank goodness I had previously 
Sewn the fly shit! 

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