17 May 2023

toddler fit

Two weeks from today 
I will be packing and prepping 
For vacation.
The interloper nurse called yesterday to say
She’s been released and is coming back. 
She kept us waiting every day. 
She been medically cleared after 
Elective Surgery. 
Now she’s going to complain 
About being broke. 
C’ est la vie!

I’m gradually getting ready. 
I worked 90 hours last week. 
90 actual hours plus driving. 

And I kept on plan 99.9%
Because the consequences 
Are disproportionate 
To the ”crime.”

Went back to sleep
For a “Caff-Nap.”
Drink some Covefe 
and lay back down. 
By the time the caffeine kicks in,
It’s time to get up. 

Did some deep breathing,
Ho’Oponopono work, 
Generally plan my day-
Don’t forget to pray - 
for guidance throughout the day. 
I quit praying for specifics during COVID. 
I’m glad I did t lose my faith. 
It was a close call! 

Good to see my pulse dropped 
20 points the first minute post walk. 

One of the Nurse’s kids 
Needs to learn to write. 
So I asked to look at this book. 
It was in a closet under some junk. 
You would think I robbed 
the family at gunpoint! 
“Give me that book!”
“Hey- that’s *MY* book!”
Generally angst from the toddler 
Even though the book had been lost 
For many weeks. Typical. 

I have to abstain. 
I can be “just friends!”
I want it all. Cravings. 

Fresh-Faced Me
Working 70 hours. 
2020. Start of COVID lockdowns. 

Sadder But Wiser Me
In 2023! 
I never would have guessed 
That COVID would have 
Changed everything. 
Well- now we know! 
I’m so glad I did right by me. 
The past years would 
Either make you- or break you. 


  1. Anne, you look fabulous, seriously, healthy and glowing. After working 90 hours, that's pretty amazing! I am finding that I do better as an abstainer than a moderator, because I'm the give-me-an-inch and I'll eat ALL the Hershey Kisses type of girl. That blast of dopamine from the first bite of chocolate, undeniable how good it feels. But. I've stopped eating chocolate, and guess what? I feel better. I heard recently of a young woman who has gone completely carnivore to solve a slew of health issues, and someone asked her if she was tempted to "cheat", she answered,"No, because I don't want to feel awful for five days." Food is medicine, and that is that. Oh, my m-i-l lives in Florida, she's broken her hip and is in a rehab place, we're going to visit her one of these days: we always go to the gulf coast to the beach when we're there....wouldn't it be a riot if we saw each other? :).

  2. DELLA- that would absolutely make my day!
    I would love to meet you on real life.
    I’ll be on vacation 3 weeks.
    A full 2 weeks just driving around St Pete /Tampa. I’m going to be on the beach every chance I get!!
    Week 3 we’re driving back up through Destin and then home throughout New Orleans… all that jazz.
    That would be a blast!


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